This is my javascript main page.

Page1 Java

Page 1 Is a introductory to a Java script, when you click on the button the current time and date are displayed.

Page2 More Java

Page 2 Is a Java script that changes the state of the light bulb (attribute).

Page 3 introduction to Javascript using both .css and .js support files

Page 3 consists of the files: message.html, message.css and message.js. The .HTML and the .cs files are used and explained throughout this web site, The .js file supports a Javascript function call in the HTML file. This page is an introduction to Javascript. Javascript is a separate language that can be used within HTML to simplify tasks.

Page 4 introduction to defining an array using .html .css and .js support files

Page 4 Introduces the reader to defining an array in a .js file and calling it in the html file. the styling is done in the .css file using a script and . Three file are required for this page, Arrays.html, arrays.js and sitcssjs.

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