
This page dedicated to lists. The first list is an un-ordered simple list. The second list is an ordered list.

The first list (Coffee) is an unordered list. The default decoration for an unordered is a bullet but it can also be a square or none at all. the code for setting the decoration in html is list-style-type: square;, default= disk, or none. The styling for all lists will be in the file page3.css The second list (Nuts & Bolts) is an ordered list, The decoration is also written in the css file and can be letters upper/lower case or numbers, in this case upper case roman numerals. I have also nested (enclosed) the ordered list within the unordered list. as you can see I have changed The color, the decoration and the font size in the Nuts & Bolts list and made the last item Shovels a link to the Home Depot, looking for a shovel. Return to this page bye the back arrow.

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