Text Formatting Styles

This is how the css file would display the text.

Normal text size This is how the small (small) element modifies the text.

This is how the b (bold) element modifies the text.

This is how the del (delete) element modifies the text.

This is how the i (italic) element modifies the text.

This is how the ins (insert) element modifies the text.

This is how the em (emphasize) element modifies the text.

Normal text size (subscript) This is how the sub element modifies the text.

This is how the mark (text highlited) element modifies the text.

Normal text size This is how the sup (superscript) element modifies the text.

The modifying element occurs between the words (the) and (element). There are other elements affecting the text not listed here. A complete list can befound online at www.w3schools.com in the html section under text formatting.

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