Nesting Spoonbills in St. Augustine Fl

This photo was taken in early March in St Augustine Fl at a place called the Alligator Farm. A most unlikely place to find nesting birds. I learned of it from fellow photographers on a online site. When I arrived Barbara and I walked through the usual displays of alligators in natural settings, Ho Hum. We finely came to an elevated walk and I saw a dozen or more photographers with tripods and long lenses photographing Storks, egrets, herons ibises and rosette spoonbills. In places the nests were in trees only a yard or two from the walkway. All the nests were in trees growing in pits containing alligators. It occurred to me that no land based animal could get passed the gators to get to the birds and small birds of prey would be no match for these birds. The birds return every year to raise their young.

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